An open letter to Harold Camping and his people

Dear Mr. Camping et al,

Don’t worry about it.

We forgive you.

You were wrong, it’s true, but I’ve been wrong before too. We all have. We all know what it feels like to believe something, or teach something, or say something, and then get smacked with reality later. We’ve all been wrong.

It’s embarrassing.

It’s painful.

Sometimes it’s hurtful and offensive to others, and we have to apologize, which can also be embarrassing and painful. We trust that you’ll reconcile what you need to as soon as you can, and in the meantime we’re not going to make any dramatic, public appeals.

We’re not going to make demands of you.

We’re not going to point fingers and laugh at you.

We’re not going to call you names.

We’re not going to step on you to get ourselves a little higher. We’re not going to attempt to validate our faith or our lifestyles by writing you off, or putting you down. We’re not going to try to save face with our non-Christian friends and co-workers by tearing you down.

We’re not interested in shaming anybody.

Peter was wrong once. Jesus rebuked him away from the other disciples, and then told them that the greatest among them would be the slave of all. We know that as you each continue to seek and follow the Lord, He will correct you as needed.

We are for you. All of you.

We are all still the body of Christ. You are still His bride. You are still our people, our family. We’re still on the same team.

And so we, the undersigned, hereby promise two things:

  1. We will not speak evil of you.
  2. We will pray for you, for healing and restoration and grace.

Please don’t let this hinder your faith, or dampen your passion.

In Christ,
Click to sign


  1. – Lex Wisniewski

  2. Amen.

  3. De’Reen

  4. JohnV

  5. -Matthew Vukovich

  6. 🙂

  7. mais bien sur.

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