How many days would you walk to get a Bible?

It’s the end of Day Three at Love Packages, and my feet hurt.

We also have a dozen more stories about what has come from this ministry, and it’s so cool. I tell you to share, and to keep myself motivated. The students are awesome; the warehouse is hot.

Steve was in India on a ministry trip, and had planned to meet with one of his distributors. The guy didn’t show up the day they were to meet, which in India, he explained, just means you wait another day.

On said next day the distributor showed up and explained his tardiness thus:

He was getting ready to leave the day before when a couple men showed up at his house. They had heard that this pastor could give them Bibles, so they had walked 15 days – from Burma – to talk to him.

Fifteen. Days. With no promise of a reward.

They went on to explain that no one in their village, no one in their church, no one they know, has a Bible. So the pastor/distributor sent a couple runners and called his congregation to come together the next night. And to bring their Bibles.

They did. And he stood before his congregation the day he was supposed to meet Steve, and he asked them to give up their Bibles.

These are people whom themselves waited years for their own Bibles. And they all gave them up. They sent these men 15 days back to Burma with bags of Bibles, and went back to praying and hoping for their own.

That’s amazing, and I couldn’t help but wonder: Would our congregations do the same? Even with bookstores and shelves of new Bibles down the street, would our congregations do the same?

You can, you know. I’ve been packing boxes of Sunday school material, Christian books, magazines, tracts, and Bibles for three days. Bibles are the most requested, and the least commonly donated.

So if you can’t make a financial donation, you can dust off that old Bible (or other Christian literature) and send it down to them. You can hold a Bible drive at your church and send a bunch.

I know sometimes we find it hard to part with our first Bible, or a family heirloom, etc., but as much as it means to you now – it will burn. Someday when you stand before the Lord you will have a Schindler’s List moment and wonder how you could have held onto someone else’s life vest for sentiment.


  1. Address please…. (and thank you)

    1. 220 Union St Butler, IL 62015

    2. And if anyone ships via USPS, tell em you want to send it Media Mail. It’s cheaper. 🙂

  2. Thanks for the head’s up. We have a LOT of books to send along. 🙂

  3. Thank you so much! Here at Love Packages we are shipping 1000 tons of Christian literature all over the world each year. To see the warehouse and take a tour, please subscribe to our YouTube channel. Just type in Love Packages in the search box. You can begin by watching the “Nickel Tour”.

    Here is a link:

    1. Word. Jason’s the only one allowed to post a plug in my Comments, ’cause I love those guys that much. A lot of their stuff is on Facebook too:

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